Aereco joins Aldes Group

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  4. Aereco joins Aldes Group

Aldes Group, a specialist in ventilation and thermal comfort solutions, announces the acquisition of the Aereco Group to support its growth strategy by market as part of its strategic plan for 2025.

Thanks to the many technical, industrial, and commercial complementarities of the two entities, this merger allows the Groupe to strengthen its position in France and to pursue its international development in the ventilation segment alongside the Exhausto brand, while making the best use of the expertise of each of the two groups.

Combining the production capacities of the Aldes Groupe and Aereco will create many synergies. Operational ones in areas such as technical complementarity, products, laboratory resources, developments and industrial skills, and commercial ones with the complementarity of sales offers and geographic positions in Northern Europe, China, North America and the Middle East.)

The alliance formed will make it possible to consolidate a turnover of more than €360 million and will take a prominent place in its market at an international level. It will also respond to geographic and product range expansion ambitions thanks to a solid base of combined expertise.

Read all the Press Release here

Media contacts – Monet + Associés for Aldes

Alice Perrin / 06 38 66 13 55

Diama Niasse / 06 75 35 79 73 / 0033 4 78 37 34 64